In Japan, vending machines are a part of everyday life. They are all over the country, from train stations to shopping centers. Mujin offers free drinks and snacks to our members, and you can find vending machines with a variety of drinks in the Mujin office too. When you just push the button, you can get the bottle!

One day, Mujin employees suddenly found out that our favorite vending machine had a poster saying that if you find a special sticker on your drink, you win an ice cream. This ice cream is considered a ”superpremium,” rich-tasting ice cream. For consumers who insist on top quality, the ice cream brand pointed to its all-natural ingredients and its carefully monitored factory in Gumma prefecture. The company which provided Mujin with its own custom-made vending machine, is known in Japan for its marketing skills.
At Mujin, we do have ice cream anytime available for employees, but this sense of winning an ice cream yourself made employees use only one particular vending machine for a couple of weeks (at Mujin we 4 vending machines). Everyone wanted to win the special ice cream.
One by one, we got 4 winners!

P.S. seems two bottles were just thrown away, so two more coupons will be used for the internal “Lucky Drawer”. Stay tuned!