We are happy to announce that the Mujin team has moved to a new location with a bigger office space! Mujin has an interesting time now. Business is growing, the team is expanding, and new challenges make us feel excited. Like most founders of fast-growing startups, Mujin founders spent a lot of time worrying about office space. We moved several times for these 9 years, growing fast and successful.
When the Mujin office moved into our previous large office close to the Tokyo Skytree in 2017, everyone thought that we had enough room for growth. Our engineering department provided new solutions day by day and required more and more robots to be inside the office and we just needed more and more desks for newcomers.
Two years later, our founders decided to move again, but this time to an office 8.5 times bigger, where everyone will have enough space for creativity and productivity. Mujin relocated its headquarters to a more spacious, state-of-the-art facility in Autumn 2019. We have already added more people to our team since moving and we are constantly growing.
Let us introduce the Tatsumi Robot Center, one of the biggest Robot centers in the Kanto area.

Our new office allows us to have more robots for developing, optimizing, and testing, therefore, service elevators and high ceilings are essential, and incredible hospitality to all our customers. The new office was converted from a large warehouse. Inside the facility a proper ventilation system was constructed, so that we were able to create an appropriate office area inside too. Air quality in the work environment is crucial for the safety, well-being, and comfort of employees.
▼ Reception area
You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. The Mujin reception area is done in black grey and orange colors with interesting artificial lighting and comfortable furniture. At the reception desk, there is a phone which is directly connected to our receptionists. These people are always happy to help all Mujin visitors.
Our guests could read there some journals about Mujin and technology (Mujin media coverage: 1 article per day)

Most of our awards and trophies displayed in the office reception area too. Our very first one, Mujin’s Pick Worker won the 7th Robot Award from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry – , the first startup company to receive Japan’s highest robotics award, is displaying there together with other special important trophies.
This year, Mujin won the Japan Open Innovation Prize by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Ministry of the Environment, General Incorporated Association of Japan Business Association, Science Council of Japan.

▼Robot Innovation Showroom
From the reception area, our guests could already see the Mujin demo area, where we showcase Mujin latest automation solutions. The Mujin Controller system, which is completely teachless, can make any robot intelligent, allowing them to be used for applications in various fields in ways that were previously impractical.
Our customers could see a demonstration of the latest depalletizing and palletizing solutions in cooperation with AGV and ACR, and the world’s first mixed returnable box depalletizing robot. All Mujin solutions boast overwhelming performance.

▼Engineering Lab
Every organization has its own unique culture. Mujin’s culture is based on communication between each other, inspiring people around to grow professionally and personally. Mujin office design is more than creating an environment that provides all the furniture and equipment to support the various types of work tasks, it is a place where excellent engineers can focus comfortably on developing technology. They need some space for interaction, so have some open space islands where people could casually communicate with each other, and lots of meeting rooms too, where people could come up with innovative ideas, meet our customers and candidates. All Mujin employees have powerful computers and appropriate equipment to ensure their work is safe.

▼Robot Innovation Center
The main area for our engineers is the Robot Innovation Center (cannot call it a room), this area is huge, full of different robots for different solutions. This area is closed from the public, only employees who had safety training could enter there. To be able to work with robots, our engineers are following Mujin safety rules, they are always wearing safety shoes, helmets, and, if necessary, goggles. This area we call a dreamland for engineers, whatever they develop today, tomorrow will be in real production. Innovation born here to solve society’s most pressing issues – such as labor shortages and worker-safety improvements.
Mujin visitors can see the development area through the glass wall.

▼Production area
The production is dedicated to the hardware team, which creates Mujin actual products. This area has several rooms where our engineers have all the necessary equipment, materials, safety equipment, which is different from others. The cleaning robot is also helping in this room.

The dining area is equipped with a professional kitchen. Cafeteria area is big, so all the Mujin family could gather together at once. Our Michelin-starred chef provides lunch every day (Hungry? There is a free lunch!).

After lunch, employees enjoy their free time while watching TV or playing video games, or just relaxing on sofas. Some of the employees have conversations over coffee, talking about life, new technology, or dreams (Good coffee at the workplace – it’s possible with Mujin!)

Lunchtime is a great time to refresh yourself, communicate with various people, and just have a rest.
▼Training Gym
The majority of workers nowadays stay sitting down for most of their working day, but this sedentary lifestyle is seriously affecting our health and increasing the risk of several health issues. Staying healthy by practicing a sport is more than just a fan. Exercise is not just beneficial for our health – it also has a positive impact on our productivity and our performance at work.
Mujin employees have access to a workplace gym and can keep up with their healthy lifestyle without having to invest in a gym membership or compromise their busy schedules. Mujin is encouraging work-life balance and promoting a wellness philosophy.

The Tatsumi headquarters is our biggest location, while we still hold another office in Guangzhou, China.
If you think Mujin is the best place for you then just apply: