Retrospective view of Mujin

Since its founding, Mujin has remained committed to the field of industrial robotics. This is because we are confident that Mujin’s teachless technology, which makes robots more intelligent and easier to use, extends their range of practical applications, expands their market, improves the productivity and quality in production sites, and, in the near future, creates valuable solutions to the problems of declining birthrates and aging populations in developed countries including Japan.
Mujin is not just a robotics Company. It is the place where the automation dream becomes a reality. It is the place which provide to everyone the most exciting job you’re ever had in your life. It is the place where advanced robotics technologies clashes with the real world needs. The place where the world’s leadest things create the software engineering practices are being apply every day to the tough problems and engineering.
We’ve been around for about 9 years now and have been lucky enough to grow every year. We would like to invite you to a journey through our history.


Before establishing Mujin (2010)

July 2011

Company registered as Mujin, Inc.

Procured 75 million yen in series A funding from the University of Tokyo Edge Capital (UTEC)

November 2013
Attended the International Robot Exhibition (IREX) at 6 booths

June 2014
Attended DMS Tokyo

MUJIN, Inc. procured total of 600 million yen in series B funding from JAFCO and UTEC

January 2015

Launched MUJIN Controller PickWorker, the world’s first teachless controller for bin picking

June 2016

The first business partnership with ASKUL CORP.

November 2017

Attended the International Robot Exhibition

November 2019

The business partnership with FAST RETAILING

Mujin completes MBO from UTEC led by two founders and secures 7.5 billion yen in financing

December 2019
Attended the International Robot Exhibition with total logistics solutions


Growing faster than ever..


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