BMF: Big Mujin Fan!

We would like to get an inside look at how different roles contribute to Mujin’s success. Let’s start with the Human Resources division, which is responsible for a range of different functions. They recruit, screen, interview, train and place employees (Day 1: Each Person is Valuable)
Read on to learn more about Yuzuki, working for public relations and recruiting, who always smiles😀
Yuzuki’s career path
Even though she loves her position, Yuzuki didn’t always dream of a career in recruiting/PR. When she was younger, she wanted to be a housewife. But then she found out she wanted to work closely with people.
At Mujin office
Yuzuki has 5 years of experience working as a recruiter in Japan and overseas. During these years, she realized that to successfully hire talented people, being just a recruiter is not enough. She became interested in company branding and how it is important to communicate who you are and what you do to inspire them to get to know the reality of the company.
Yuzuki recalls that “While I was enjoying working at the previous company, I realized that I want to deepen my branding skills more than anything, and became interested in a career in PR. I had some chances to talk with several recruiters, but most of them saw only my titles, recruiter, and they assumed I wouldn’t be qualified for PR positions.”

What made Yuzuki join Mujin

Mujin makes robots intelligent and realizes automation of manufacturing and logistics. The idea is to liberate humans from manual labor which allows them to focus on creativity, innovation, and making the world a better place.
“I was impressed by Mujin mission and that Mujin is a true problem solving top technology company,” explains Yuzuki. “I was not thinking of changing my company, but when the recruiter contacted me, I was so impressed that I decided to participate in the selection process for the recruiter position.”
Yuzuki went into the interview process determined to be exactly who she is and answered all the questions truthfully. Yuzuki recalls that “during the interview process, Mujin’s recruiter judged me based on the skills, not titles, and my personality. I was able to recognize the value I could bring. At the end of the selection process, I was surprised to be offered a PR specialist position instead of a recruiter. I felt Mujin did consider me based on my interest and my branding experience as a recruiter.”

PR at Mujin

St. Valentines Day at Mujin

Before Yuzuki joined Mujin, there was no one who was fully in charge of PR. It was a very challenging time for her. In the beginning she needed to create a PR strategy and structure for both internal and external PR from the ground up.

Press release, news release, media coverage, SNS, award application (such as The Prime Minister’s Award of Japan Open Innovation Prize!); the purpose of PR is to educate and connect with the community at large. How can people all around the globe know about a great company called Mujin? What can Mujin do to spread our message to people? How can this information contribute to an ongoing dialogue, creating consistent, positive messages, and stories about us?
These were just some of the challenging issues that a PR specialist in Mujin needs to address. You need to deliver a message about how great robotics is, but it’s difficult to deliver it to people who are unfamiliar with robots..

Recruiting at Mujin

A few months later Yuzuki came back to recruiting, so she reconciles PR and hiring. Recruiting and branding are deeply connected to each other.

“Mujin is still a startup. If you think there is a problem above your responsibility and if you think it’s really important, you can help.”

Every day, thousands of job candidates across the world are looking for a new job. They begin the process by looking for a job opening or contacting a third party recruiter. Once they see something that interests them about the company, they begin to do research. This might include checking the corporate website, SNS, or google news search. The constant flow of public relations information is essential to having a successful recruiting process and company branding is critical for attracting top talents. Talented people want to work for companies that are innovative and forward thinking; media coverage provides the opportunity that can be enticing to prospective hires, and it’s very difficult to find them.
At IREX 2019

Highlights about Mujin

“My job is telling people how great Mujin is” explains Yuzuki. “I can do this job from my heart, my soul, and I believe in Mujin.”
Mujin is a company providing a unique technology with great purpose. Mujin has a diverse collection of the best talent from different ethnicities, genders, ages, cultures (Diversity: everyone is unique) who also value one another. Mujin employees are happy to be in the middle of cutting-edge technology and focus on solving real problems.

“We all are doing good things here, not just to earn money.”

It can be a bit intimidating to join a startup, but we believe that this is the most unique environment for people to see a direct impact from their own efforts. It’s never boring, every day is a very interesting day full of challenges.
CTO, Rosen, and CEO, Issei, are both from mixed cultures, are friendly and learn new things every day to improve themselves.
“They are geniuses!” Yuzuki exclaims.
Mujin founders have different skillsets and different opinions, they always discuss a lot before reaching the best conclusion. That’s what makes Mujin so innovative.

3 words to describe yourself: Big Mujin Fan!

At Mujin office

Advice for potential candidates

All people at Mujin are passionate about what they are doing and very seriously focus on problem-solving. The business needs your knowledge, skills, and abilities (as well as culture fit), but passion is the most important quality for us.
“I would love to work with people who are very passionate about robotics or solving the real-world problems. The job here is not easy and quite challenging. But if you have a strong passion, we can always find a way to get over any obstacles together!” Yuzuki concluded.

If you think Mujin is the best place for you then just apply:

Mujin Career Website

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