iREX2022: Mujin showcased the latest 8 solutions

The International Robot Exhibition (iREX2022), one of the largest robot trade shows, was held from March 9 through 12 in Tokyo. Mujin showcased 8 automation solutions using 21 intelligent robots and AGVs.

Many visitors stopped by our booth to see the latest solutions. Thank you to everyone who visited our booth!

“Intelligent robot + AGV” solutions fostered in logistics expanded to factory automation

We have developed intelligent robot solutions mainly for logistics by combining robots, MujinControllers, MujinVisions, and MujinGrippers, with machine intelligence technology.

Especially in the past two years, we have been providing not only intelligent robots but also total solutions that combine multiple robots and AGVs in order to realize automation in situations that require complexity and flexibility. Its solution of “intelligent robot + AGV” that enables flexible automation has recently been increasingly applied to industries other than logistics.

In the automotive industry, for example, a shift to electric vehicles (EVs) has led to an increase in the number of companies participating in the industry and the need for variable-mix, variable-volume production. The change is accelerating the shift to flexible “intelligent robot cell systems” that integrate control of robots and AGVs, rather than “dedicated line facilities” for mass production as in the past. By applying its experience in logistics to the manufacturing field, we have provided a next-generation intelligent robot cell production system that combines dozens of intelligent robots and AGVs in factories.

At iREX2022, we showed the “Next Generation Intelligent Robot Cell Production System Connected by AGVs” for factory automation and the new functions of the “MujinRobot” series for logistics.

iREX is one of the big projects involving many members

For Mujin, the International Robot Exhibition, a biennial event, is an important opportunity to showcase Mujin’s evolution over the past two years. Company-wide collaboration is also essential to its success.

In order to showcase the robot solutions filled with the latest technology smoothly, collaboration among all departments, including engineering, integration, project management, and infrastructure, is essential. In addition to the sales, consulting, and marketing departments, members of various departments such as corporate planning, general affairs, supply chain management, human resources, and accounting are also involved in the preparation, operation, and cleanup of the event, leading to its success.

With the help of various members, we had the opportunity to make Mujin known to many people this year. From here, all of us will work hard again to solve actual customer problems.

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